• Restaurant Taj Mahal bezorgt weer in heel Breda. U kunt bestellen via onze website

    Open 7 Days

Restaurant Taj Mahal bezorgt weer in heel Breda. U kunt bestellen via onze website.

SINCE 1985

The Taj Mahal Breda opened its exotic doors to the guests in 1985. The current proprieter, Mr. Parwaiz Yousaf Awan was handed the flag to continue its legacy on 1st November 1996. Ever since, it has proven to be the best Indian Cuisine server not only in the city of Breda but the entire Zuid Holland.

Chefs Selection

Today’s Special

Chicken tikka massalum

Chicken tikka massalum

Geroosterd kipfilet bereid in yoghurt, room, cashewnoten en verse koriander


Karai Gosht - Chicken

Karai Gosht - Chicken

Currie bereid met mosterd olie en knoflook


Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori Chicken

De beroemde rode kip gemarineerd in yoghurt met heerlijk specirijen bereidt in tandoor klei oven

Onion Bhaji

Onion Bhaji

Groentefrituur van gesnipperde uien in een pikant beslag